Affected Apps
Affects: iOS / Android Apps
Brief Description
Usability is at the forefront of the new Navigation Bar with its clean and intuitive design that will have your attendees & sponsors breeze through the event.
Current Status
Status: Released
Feature Cluster
Attendee Experience
Release Date
October 27th 2022
Release Type
Release: Public
Roadmap Type
Roadmap: External
iOS / Android apps will now have an updated dedicated navigation bar that will leverage your attendees & sponsors event experience to the next level:
- Quick & easy access to main event pages
- Better custom pages display
- More intuitive navigation patterns
‘Sponsored by’ mention will be added in 2nd release series (ETA Q4, 2022)
What will change
- The bottom navigation bar will be removed completely
- Hamburger menu will be added to the top left corner
- Drill down navigation pattern will be applied to some pages
👀 Hamburger Info & Mockup
All of the navigational items (including custom pages) will be added to the hamburger menu. As an organizer, you will be able to:
- Change the order of the items (except ‘Home’ page)
- Change the name of each item
- Change the icons for each item
- Upload “App Sponsor Logo”
👀 Drill-down Navigation Info & Mockup
Drill Down Navigation will deliver consistent and focused experience to your attendees that will help eliminate cognitive overload:

This pattern will be applied to all pages that the user will click and interact with from Hamburger Menu:
- Homepage & its subpages
- Schedule and its subpages
- Sponsors and its subpages
- and etc.